Saturday, June 4, 2016

Branching out - cake flowers too!

So, of course I get this awesome idea to make flowers to go on the cake. I'm thinking an ombré effect, starting with a cluster of flowers trailing down the side of the cake, getting more saturated as it goes. Of course, if I put all 5 of the colors we are using in the pallet, it will look busy.

Also, I don't want to spend another 50 hours making flowers, and they need to be simple and easy to attach to a cake. My awesome youngest sister (not the one getting married) is an accomplished cake decorator. I texted her for advice on how the heck do I get silk flowers to work on the cake. 'Toothpicks' she said. Of course! So practicle. I can put beads on the ends of toothpicks and shove the whole thing through the middle of the flower. Except pearls with holes the fit on toothpicks are huge. And have holes in the ends.

So.. Enter fimo clay. Baked on toothpicks. My sister pointed out that they resemble a slide of sperm... Lol

Yes, I used an old nasty baking pan for this, I won't be making cookies on this one anymore.


I dyed one long piece of silk with a gradient or ombré of white to purple, the cut the flowers all from that piece.
I have an antique replica flower iron that makes these adorable little forget-me-nots

Then the cake topper - at first sis wanted natural peacock feathers to match the theme.

We sent pictures and texts back and forth until we agreed ivory feathers with ivory flowers was the way to go

I used a styrofoam square to arrange and store the flowers.
And since I didn't already have enough to do, I made some cute shoe clips.
We call them the Ankle Ticklers. I'm still on the fence on these.